Il programma della diretta

Talk, open chat e mentorship in streaming!

Per partecipare è sufficiente richiedere un biglietto gratuito e collegarsi, l'11 giugno, alla nostra piattaforma di streaming.

Potrai seguire i talk live, inviare domande ai relatori, partecipare a sondaggi e giochi, entrare in sessioni 1-to-1 gratuite con i mentor per ottenere feedback e consigli sui tuoi progetti, e sfruttare la chat live per discutere con gli altri partecipanti!

10:45 - Inizio streaming & virtual coffee

11:00, #serverless

Gestire serie temporali con AWS

by Danilo Poccia
Chief Evangelist (EMEA) @ Amazon Web Services
author of AWS Lambda in Action

11:40, #ml #iot

Bring the Power of Machine Learning to your IoT Edge Devices with OpenShift

by Mo Haghighi
Developer Ecosystems Leader @ IBM

12:15, #microfrontends

Scalare le applicazioni con i Microfrontend

by Max Gallo
Principal Engineer @ DAZN

12:45 - 13:00 Tavola rotonda e Q&A con i relatori

13:00 - 14:00 Pausa pranzo

14:00 - 17:00 Online Mentorship

attraverso la chat dell'evento, avvia sessioni 1-to-1 gratuite con gli esperti per parlare di
infrastrutture scalabili
cloud pricing
frontend dev

14:00, #realtime

Streaming Services from zero to hero: come distribuire i tuoi eventi live ovunque

by Marco Viganò
Digital CTO @ Edizioni Condé Nast

14:00, #microservices

Platform Governance: gestire un ecosistema di microservizi a livello enterprise

by Giulio Roggero
CTO & CO-Founder @ Mia Platform

14:00, #machinelearning

Building smarter solutions with no expertise in machine learning

by Laurent Picard
Developer Relations Engineer @ Google Cloud

14:35, #orchestration

Architetture ad eventi e orchestrazione serverless su AWS

by Alex Casalboni
Developer Advocate @ Amazon Web Services

14:35, #serverless

Serverless Data Streaming at Scale

by Anahit Pogosova
Software Designer @ Solita Oy

14:35, #agile

Agile DevOps

by Giuseppe Giudice
Scrum Master e Team Leader @ SCAI Finance

15:10, #bestpractice

Deployare un progetto global in Cloud - Performance, Sicurezza, Normativa, best practice

by Tito Petronio
Digital Solution & Operation Director @ CriticalCase

15:10, #container

GitOps con Kubernetes, Kustomize e ArgoCD

by Denis Maggiorotto
CEO & CTO @ Sunnyvale Srl

15:10, #orchestration

Infrastructure As a Code: perchè è fondamentale

by Andrea Di Blasi
Fullstack Developer @ Corley Cloud

15:45, #monitoring

Monitor di Kubernetes e relative applicazioni

by Massimo Brignoli
Principal Solutions Architect @ Elastic

15:45, #database

KsqlDB - The event streaming database

by Stefano Pampaloni

15:45, #automation

Automation: dai test in locale al deploy in produzione

by Alessandra Bilardi
Data Specialist @ PixartPrinting

16:15, #frontend

Pitfalls of a serverless journey

by Alessandro Palumbo
Head of Development @ Content Chef

16:15, #container

Serverless Containers with Knative and Cloud Run

by Mete Atamel
Developer Advocate @ Google

16:15, #bestpractice

La privacy nei sistemi in cloud

by Gian Marco Toso
Senior Software Engineer

16:45, #servicemesh

Meshes Don't Have to Be Messy: Keeping it Simple with Maesh

by Kevin Crawley
Developer Advocate @ Traefik Labs

16:45, #cognitive

Comandiamo i nostri sistemi a voce con Azure Custom Commands

by Marco Minerva
Sviluppatore Software e Consultente Informatico

16:45, #serverless

Firebase: a serverless story

by Michel Murabito
Deputy CTO @ Liscor

17:15 - 17:30 Tavola rotonda, virtual beer, Q&A con i relatori e chiusura evento

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